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Hi, I have started to use new writer format INSPIRE GML. I have also watched webinar on following subject recently. Since this is a first time I am working with mapping to INSPIRE schemas, I am a little bit dizzy with whole bunch of features and attributes. Still worst problem I have is with mapping geometry. I had to do a test with Hydro theme and featureType Crossing (geometry line). I used GeometryExtractor (GML 3.2.1. geometry encoding) for this purpose. Mapped '_geometry' to 'geometry' with AttributeCopier, but 'geometry' attribute is empty (missing) at the end. If i check the output values after GeometryExtractor with Inspector, there is a geometry value. So obviously I haven't mapped _geometry correctly with corresponding attribute on writer as Dean suggested in webinar (geometry attribute should be used for polygons only, correct?) I also mapped it with all possible xml_geometry datatype on writer, nothing. what do I do wrong? 
Hi there,


You shouldn't need the GeometryExtractor as long as the features are fme_line. The trick is that you need to "name" the geometry according to the name of the geometry attribute you are writing too. So for the Crossing feature type it looks like there is one called "geometry". To do this use the GeometryPropertySetter and set the Geometry Name to "geometry".



It will still look like nothing is connected to the "geometry" format attribute but this should work.



Hope this helps




