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I need guidance / Support

I have an excel where 
FiletypeName: .MDB
Path of the MDB is mentioned

Workspace should read the excel and go to tha path mentioned in the excel and read the mdb for each and it should individual for each



Workspace should go to that path and read the MDB file in which Different FC are mentioned and then write it back with same Name of MDB and Fc in GDB format

Kindly Guide me how can i proceed

I have attached sample data with excel and MDB


Hopefully I understood correctly.

I made 3 options.

  • one where a file and directory reader is merged with you’r excel. (you could test later if the file excist or not.
  • one where I only use a folder and directory reader and filter on the MDB files
  • one where only the ecxel is read and it reads the MDB files from the excel information.

I would prefer the first one, so when you have a lot of folders with a lot of different files, and someone adds something in the ecxel, but not in the folder, you can see what file you are missing.

Let me know if this helps you.



Thanks ​@jobvdnoort 
That was my requirement..

I was successfully able to run it but i cannot the feature or details in MDB , I see in visual preview as No schema..

I should able to read all the data in each feature class wise 


I should able to read all the data in each feature class wise for each each and i should write it back with same name to GDB..

Your support highly appreciated

Thanks Again


Hi ​@adnanyazdani sounds like you have half of a dynamic workspace but the writer isn’t quite complete. I would follow the articles here:


I think an important step would be to add a SchemaScanner or somehow expose your attributes with an AttributeExposer, and then make the writer use the dynamic schema. 

if this doesn’t work for you, could you give us an example of what your data looks like, and what is being read into FME specifically in the Feature Information Window? Thanks!
