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Hey all,

I have a Revit file and I'm using the IFC reader to translate my data. Is there an attribute or way to call the file path of the IFC reader that contains the data? In CAD or SHP I can use an attribute that contains the path. However, with IFC data, it appears that attribute is blank. What I really want is the name of the IFC/Revit file. I tried using some of the FME parameters, but the path remains the same when the Revit file is replaced with a different Revit file.

Any advice would be appreciated!


Hi @david_prosack88,

Both the file name and full path are available in the attributes fme_basename and fme_dataset.

To enable these attributes, please right-click on an IFC feature type, then choose Properties. Select the Format Attributes tab in the Feature Type dialog, then check the boxes beside fme_basename and fme_dataset.

Hi @david_prosack88,

Both the file name and full path are available in the attributes fme_basename and fme_dataset.

To enable these attributes, please right-click on an IFC feature type, then choose Properties. Select the Format Attributes tab in the Feature Type dialog, then check the boxes beside fme_basename and fme_dataset.

Thanks Dave! I have my IFC file (Requester) being compared against an Excel file (Supplier) using the feature merger transformer. However, the IFC attributes do not remain in the Unused Supplier port. Is there a way to keep the IFC attributes through the feature merger? I tried using the attribute keeper before the feature merger but I had the same result. Thanks!


