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I know that citygml has versions from 1.0 to 3.0.
However, it seems that changing ifc to fme is only possible with citygml 2.0.
Maybe I don't know how? Or is fme only converted to 2.0 by converting ifc to citygml?
s│vɜːʃn; │vɜːʒn]
1. (이전의 것·비슷한 종류의 다른 것들과 약간 다른) -판형태] (→beta version)
2. (어떤 사건에 대해 특정한 입장에서 밝힌) 설명생각/견해]
3. <다른 언어로 된 것을 번역하거나 다른 예술 작품 형태로 된 것을 영화·연극·음악 작품 등으로 만든 것> (→the Authorized Version, cover version)

CityGML 3 writing is not yet supported properly by FME yet. It can read CityGML 3 however.
