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I have a FME ETL Tool added to a ArcMap toolbar which calls a workbench I've created.  The tool runs and produces the results I want, but after reviewing the log files that were created, I see there is a comerrors-log-<date>.log file created.  Inside the file it states:



20140508-101739: HRESULT fail in file FMEArcToolboxUtil.cpp at line 111


20140508-101739: HRESULT fail in file FMEArcToolboxUtil.cpp at line 111



I'm not sure if I should be concerned with this or if I can ignore this.  I've googled FMEArcToolboxUtil.cpp but am not finding much about it.



Is this error safe to ignore?




Hi Jon,


As per your above query, I am also getting the same error on execution of FME ETL Tool HRESULT fail in file FMEArcToolboxUtil.cpp

Did you found any solution how to resolve this error, or is it ok to ignore this error.


Can you please help me on this


Hi Jon,


As per your above query, I am also getting the same error on execution of FME ETL Tool HRESULT fail in file FMEArcToolboxUtil.cpp

Did you found any solution how to resolve this error, or is it ok to ignore this error.


Can you please help me on this


Hi @sunititripathi - I don't know if Jon uses this forum on a regular basis. I've checked for that message in our internal systems and it does appear like an error that should be investigated. I think the best thing to do is to contact our support team ( or the support team of your local reseller, to have them look into the issue. Hope this helps.



we are seeing this issue, does anyone have a solution yet?


we are seeing this issue, does anyone have a solution yet?

Which version of FME are you using? I see a problem that returned this error was fixed in FME 2016.1.2 & FME 2017 (that would be in the Interop for 10.5 I believe).


If you can upgrade (or already have that version) and still get the error, then I'd let us know via support. If you're using the pure Interoperability Extension, then it would be through Esri support. If it's FME-extended ArcGIS then through us/your FME reseller (see

