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i am using google sheet reader and writing it to the database..

but the problem is there are more than 10 readers for google sheets which are are updating each and every hour .

so if i just run the workspace it is not writing the fresh (updated google sheet) instead the same old one

so i have to do update reader for every time for each reader to write the updated sheet


please is there any solution to do it automatic after i run the workspace it will read the fresh data updated in google sheet..

It doesn't seem like the Google Sheets reader offers a where clause so you're unfortunately going to have to read all records. If there's an id or something like that you can query your database before writing to it so you can filter out records you have already written to the database previously.

It doesn't seem like the Google Sheets reader offers a where clause so you're unfortunately going to have to read all records. If there's an id or something like that you can query your database before writing to it so you can filter out records you have already written to the database previously.

thanks for reply

but the problem is when i run the workspace it is not getting the updated google sheet data instead its just bringing the old one

but when i see the sheet its updated and new records there so i am doing update reader and feature type for each reader and every time to get the latest data.

thanks for reply

but the problem is when i run the workspace it is not getting the updated google sheet data instead its just bringing the old one

but when i see the sheet its updated and new records there so i am doing update reader and feature type for each reader and every time to get the latest data.

Just to be absolutely clear: by "update" you mean that there's records added, right? Or do you mean that the structure (schema) of the table has been changed.

If it's just adding records then that is very strange, it should read all the data that's in there, unless you have a Max features to read set. Please doublecheck that and if that's not it then I think you should send this in to Safe's support (or the reseller where you bought FME from)

It doesn't seem like the Google Sheets reader offers a where clause so you're unfortunately going to have to read all records. If there's an id or something like that you can query your database before writing to it so you can filter out records you have already written to the database previously.

yes by update i mean there are records added with out any change in the schema and structure.

i didnt set max features read can you explain me what is this and what i have to do now..

yes by update i mean there are records added with out any change in the schema and structure.

i didnt set max features read can you explain me what is this and what i have to do now..

Okay, if you didn't set it it is not likely to be the cause of the problem. So your best bet is to see if you can get a reproducible error (i.e. it happens every time) and send that off to Safe via the report-a-problem form.

One other thing that comes to mind that you should check before submitting this to support: make sure the sheet that's being edited is the sheet you're reading with FME.

And fyi, "max features to read" (you can find it in the Navigator, in the reader parameters) is often used when developing a workspace to limit the amount of data and make development go faster. Obviously that needs to be unset when the workpace is being used in production.
