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When publishing to ArcGIS Portal the layer has some default configurations that I would like to change. For example, share to a group/everyone, disable editing and prevent the layer from being deleted.

Any ideas in how to do that using FME?


This sounds like a great enhancement and would be applicable to ARCGISONLINEFEATURES too.

Hi @demeird

Unfortunately, both the ArcGIS Portal and ArcGIS Online writer does not currently support allowing the user to set the capabilities of the created feature service/layer. All feature service/layer will be published with the default capabilities. You will have to post-process the feature service/layer after it is published. Other customers have mentioned they do this using a shutdown Python script.

This enhancement is being tracked as FMEENGINE-64118 and I will update this post once this enhancement has been added.

Hi @demeird

Unfortunately, both the ArcGIS Portal and ArcGIS Online writer does not currently support allowing the user to set the capabilities of the created feature service/layer. All feature service/layer will be published with the default capabilities. You will have to post-process the feature service/layer after it is published. Other customers have mentioned they do this using a shutdown Python script.

This enhancement is being tracked as FMEENGINE-64118 and I will update this post once this enhancement has been added.

The ArcGIS Python API is easy to use for this workflow.

Hi @demeird

Unfortunately, both the ArcGIS Portal and ArcGIS Online writer does not currently support allowing the user to set the capabilities of the created feature service/layer. All feature service/layer will be published with the default capabilities. You will have to post-process the feature service/layer after it is published. Other customers have mentioned they do this using a shutdown Python script.

This enhancement is being tracked as FMEENGINE-64118 and I will update this post once this enhancement has been added.

I'm using HTTPCaller with ArcGIS REST API to work around that for now, but this enhancement would be very welcomed
