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I have several point-based datasets that I need to consolidate into an existing point dataset while maintaining all the attributes for each layer. How can I do this? Thank you

@zennrix​ Can you be a little more specific? It sounds like you have many point-based datasets that have different attributes and you want to combine all those into a single dataset while maintaining all the original attributes. do you need to rename the attributes, or append the attributes onto the existing dataset?

@zennrix​ Can you be a little more specific? It sounds like you have many point-based datasets that have different attributes and you want to combine all those into a single dataset while maintaining all the original attributes. do you need to rename the attributes, or append the attributes onto the existing dataset?

Yes I have around a dozen datasets I would like to merge into one already existing dataset. The datasets are all different types of buildings that I want to combine into one comprehensive building dataset. Each dataset has slightly different attributes, so I would like all of them to be maintained in the new final dataset, which would mean some have null values if the original dataset did not have an attribute value for an attribute from another dataset
