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I'm trying to generalize the map. I want to add building names to their geometry, but I have a problem with that. I tried to use TextAdder and Aggregator and the result is good. I then use the temporary location to be able to use ArcPy and here the problem arises. When I add TextAdder and Aggregator, I get an error:

Python Exception <ExecuteError>: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.

ERROR 000732: Input Features: Dataset pre_aggregation does not exist or is not supported


When I don't use TextAdder and Aggregator everything is good.

Hi @urszulagromala,

Could it be that the settings of the aggregator transformer are not set correctly and that not all the attributes are made available for the python script?

Another issue can be that the python script is trying to use results from down stream that are not yet available, using a FeatureHolder before the python script might help with that.
