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Hi, I'm attempting to use the FeatureWriter transformer to write intermediate data in my workspace. The issue I'm running into, is that unlike in Esri's ModelBuilder, I can't connect that output/writer to another transformer, which is what I need to do. Because I'm working with Esri feature classes (in file geodatabases and SDE geodatabases), the formatting of files needs to be just-so. If I'm starting with a .xlsx file and would like to eventually perform spatial analysis on the data, I need the ability to write it to an Esri-friendly format ( geodatabase table) before I can start editing fields, completing joins, etc. I can get the workspace to the point of writing the .xlsx table to a .gdb table, but I'm not sure how to use the FeatureWriter transformer to continue the analysis I need to do on the .gdb table in the same workspace since that transformer doesn't offer any output ports to connect the dataset to another transformer.


you just need to add a feature reader after the feature writer to read the data you just created back in again.

Ahhhh ok, thank you! I was thrown off because the 'Summary' output port didn't have my fields listed. I'll give that a try. Thanks again.

Or start using FME 2018. Safe added the output ports to the FeatureWriter (all written data is output through these ports).

Or start using FME 2018. Safe added the output ports to the FeatureWriter (all written data is output through these ports).

Not really, not written data comes from the outputport as well.
You could also use the new function in FME 2018.


All output features are cached until all of the writing is finished, then the features are output through their respective ports.



But it looks like this option does not verify that the data is actualy writen.


You could also use the new function in FME 2018.


All output features are cached until all of the writing is finished, then the features are output through their respective ports.



But it looks like this option does not verify that the data is actualy writen.



you just need to add a feature reader after the feature writer to read the data you just created back in again.

Next question then is: how can I schema map from a featurereader to another featurewriter? In the image below, I'm taking the .xlsx document and attempting to write it to a geodatabase table. The data type for a couple of the fields needs to change when it's written to the geodatabase, but I still want to have it mapped from the raw data in the .xlsx to the geodatabase. I search for transformers that would allow me to do that and couldn't find anything.


You could also use the new function in FME 2018.


All output features are cached until all of the writing is finished, then the features are output through their respective ports.



But it looks like this option does not verify that the data is actualy writen.


Unfortunately I'm using FME via the ArcGIS Data Interoperabilty Extension, which is capped out at FME 2017 until the next release cycle.



Or start using FME 2018. Safe added the output ports to the FeatureWriter (all written data is output through these ports).

Unfortunately I'm using FME via the ArcGIS Data Interoperabilty Extension, which is capped out at FME 2017 until the next release cycle.



You could also use the new function in FME 2018.


All output features are cached until all of the writing is finished, then the features are output through their respective ports.



But it looks like this option does not verify that the data is actualy writen.


@jkr_da There are no features in the output port even if I set one feature per featuretype

@jkr_da There are no features in the output port even if I set one feature per featuretype


@harshal.gharat All the features I put in, are coming out as you can see. I think I don't understand your comment.

Currently I work with the feature-writer feature-reader combination because then I am sure the written features are correctly written.


