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I have been provided with a set of dwgs which have autocad text in it and rotation values expressed in degrees e.g. '96d'. I need to read the value as '96', how do I do this? This is the first time I've seen the rotation units expressed this way. When I translate the dwgs the rotation values do not translate into text or numbers. I'm converting the CAD files into Esri fgdb feature classes and have AutoCAD 2019.


You can use the StringReplacer transformer to get rid of the "d" by using a RegEx replacing d$ by nothing.

Then you will end up with the numeric value.

Hope that helps.

Hi @wunderkind, this is just representational in autocad, depending on the working units in the dwg-file.

When you read the rotation attribute (autocad_rotation) in FME this will be a real number, not text. At least, this is what i see on my dwg's.
