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Hi, I have an XYZ file with 1 million points at regular 1m horizontal intervals.



I want to convert this to contours, however when I tried ContourGenerator and SurfaceModeller transformers, all I got was a square polygon showing the extent of the XYZ points.



Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong or if I should be using a different transformer?



Have you used the pointcloudcoercer to decompose the XYZ into points?
According to the documentation, the Points/Lines input port of the SurfaceModeller should accept point clouds, so I think it must be a different issue. In fact, it worked for me when I just tried it (see screenshot below).



So... maybe try reading the point cloud into the Data Inspector to make sure the reading part is correct. Then, well the only parameters I can see that would make a difference are Surface Tolerance and Output Contours, so check those.



If neither of those work, then please do contact our support team for assistance (









Product Evangelist


Safe Software Inc



btw - which Reader are you using? The Point Cloud XYZ one?


Which version of FME?
