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Hi, How can i set the character set for an Input CAT (txt) file. It seems it is not possible and when writing to a database (UTF-8) the scandic characters get messed up. Shold FME be able to recognize the character set from the file?





I dont have much experience with the CAT reader, but, according to the documentation it does not seems to be possible....



After reading the file, can you then use a TextDecoder or TextEncoder to properly convert to UTF-8?



Another option woule be to use the Textfile reader instead of the CAT - reader, and specify the Character encoding. And afterwards one SubstringExtractor for each column to get. Does not work with Generic Readers - however if you always have the same formatted input-file it will work.



Also you can request safe to include the Character Encoding option on ALL NON-BINARY files READ and WRITE, not sure if that is already a PR.

