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I'm trying to use FME to get shapefile to Postgres (postgis) but there is no option in the writer to choose point, or line, etc. .. What I get in postgis geom type geometry and not geom type point or lines, etc...



any help will be appreciated...








GeometryType — Returns the type of the geometry as a string. Eg: 'LINESTRING', 'POLYGON', 'MULTIPOINT', etc.





text GeometryType(geometry geomA);





Returns the type of the geometry as a string. Eg: 'LINESTRING', 'POLYGON', 'MULTIPOINT', etc.

thanks.. what I mean it was possible at FME 2013 to find this linstring, polygon, etc. at the parameter of writer but in FME 2014 .. i can not fint them !!?
in the fme 2013 version. (im still on 2013 sp2 and sp4)


 you can set the "Create Generic Geometry Column" option. Then only on type of geometry is allowed. You have to filter the geometry using fme to select only the type you want to wirte.


So if u set this option and only feed it polygons, GeometryType would be 'POLYGON'.



Is this option not available in fme2014 anymore?



There seems not to be such an option also in the PostGIS writer of FME 2014.


A table of PostGIS database can contain features having various geometry types simultaneously. If you have to avoid to write features other than lines, consider using the GeometryFilter before the writer, as Gio mentioned.



Thanks Gio and Takashi for your answer...
