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I have a shape file with feature class polygon and want to convert them into an osm file. I've verified the polygons by several transformers in workspace. The result is always an osm file with lines instead of polygons (FME Inspector)???

Hi @happymapper,

According the FME Readers and Writers Reference, the geometry polygon is enable in OSM.

The documentation Documentation - OSM




Hi @happymapper,

According the FME Readers and Writers Reference, the geometry polygon is enable in OSM.

The documentation Documentation - OSM




Hi @happymapper



Did you have any News about it?







the problem was caused by the viewer in fme inspector which interprated the polygons as lines.


the problem was caused by the viewer in fme inspector which interprated the polygons as lines.

@happymapper If you see this same problem with the OSM reader in Workbench then please send us some sample data via Thanks!


Hi @happymapper and @danilo_fme

The OSM writer is working as expected:


"OpenStreetMap does not have a native Area (or polygon) data primitive and areas are currently modeled using Ways which are also used to describe Polylines.

Not all closed polylines are areas, as this varies based on which other tags are present. A closed way tagged highway=pedestrian is considered to be a circular path unless it has a area=yes tag which turns it into a pedestrianised area, however a closed way tagged with leisure=park is assumed to be an area. Areas can also be described using multiple ways as members of a relation:multipolygon. It is possible within the editors to create parks which are not closed even though these won't normally render unless they are included in a multipolygon. Anyone wishing to tag areas or use areas therefore needs to always check on the default usage of closed ways."

Also see:

Adding a "building" attribute with "museum" or any other value, to the "Barry_Art_Museum" feature type will result in ta "building" tag in the osm output:

<way id="...">




<tag k="building" v="museum"/>



If the output is read back by the OSM reader then it will interpret this particular way, whose 1st and last coordinate equal as an area.
