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I'm pretty new to FME and could really use some help on this. I am reading OBJ files and writing DWG files.

I need to expose two "traits" in the source OBJ to re-use them in the target DWG. But I'm unclear how to access the traits.

What I found so far... The two traits in the OBJ file belong to Geometry Type: IFMEMesh. The traits are GeometryTrait(string): 'obj_group' and 'obj_object'.

My goal is to read the obj_group to write autocad_layer_name - and read the obj_object to write autocad_block_name.

Guidance on accessing the traits will be greatly appreciated!


And here's an example OBJ file:

Hello, you need the Deaggregator and GeometryPropertyExtractor, as per the attached


Hello, you need the Deaggregator and GeometryPropertyExtractor, as per the attached


Hello and thanks much @owen! I had just found the GeometryPropertyExtractor, and your advice on using the Deaggregator ahead of it helped immensely (so many transformers, so much to learn).

Now on to the work of using those trait values to create AutoCAD blocks and layers. Help with that part of the process will also be appreciated.

Hello and thanks much @owen! I had just found the GeometryPropertyExtractor, and your advice on using the Deaggregator ahead of it helped immensely (so many transformers, so much to learn).

Now on to the work of using those trait values to create AutoCAD blocks and layers. Help with that part of the process will also be appreciated.

No problem! I think you could use the DWGStyler to set the block name to obj_object, and setting the layer name on your writer feature type to obj_group will create separate layers



Ha. That's just what I did this morning - and thought I posted this then. Hopefully it's useful to others and thanks again.
