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Hi there,


I have a hosted feature service which has to get updated with the records from a web app. On the basis of that, I would like to create a workbench where I can use the fields from hosted feature service and using a custom word template I can generate a report.


Any help regarding this is much appreciated.




Which version of FME are you using, 2018?

Did you already take a look at Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service Reader, MSWordStyler transformer and MSWord Writer?

Which version of FME are you using, 2018?

Did you already take a look at Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service Reader, MSWordStyler transformer and MSWord Writer?



Thanks for the reply. Yes, I have had a look at AGOL FS Reader. I have managed to add the connection in FME. I couldn't get Portal added to FME is because of SSL certificate issue, which I am trying to resolve.

I have also found this transformer and writer you mentioned above and now looking into the detail help documents how I can use these. Is there any video available about all of these FME tools description?

As mentioned above I would like to use my custom report template to generate the report so any help regarding this would be appreciated.




