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Hi everyone, really need help. I used FME to convert IFC to citygml. I imported a 3D citygml into 3Dcitymodel, and when I try to export it in KML or also in citygml again, it seems to be 2D! Why?

Hmm, can you expand on what you mean by "imported a 3D citygml into 3Dcitymodel" ? is 3Dcitymodel a software? Does it look good in the "3Dcitymodel"? if so it sounds like it's the exporter from that tool could be the problem.

What tool are you using to view the results from the export? and how are you seeing that it's 2D?


Hmm, can you expand on what you mean by "imported a 3D citygml into 3Dcitymodel" ? is 3Dcitymodel a software? Does it look good in the "3Dcitymodel"? if so it sounds like it's the exporter from that tool could be the problem.

What tool are you using to view the results from the export? and how are you seeing that it's 2D?


Hi, thank you for your answer. I made a mistake, i mean... "i imported a 3D citygml into 3DcityDB. "

Do you know how this database works? It seems that the triangulated surface geometries in the CityGML data from FME are not completely imported into the database. Consequenlty, the exported KML and CityGML data are not correct.

At the wetransfer link --> you can download all my files:



-Citygml as FME OUTPUT

-Citygml as 3DcityDB Output.

-KML after FME

-KML after 3dcitydb


Maybe you can help me.



Hi, thank you for your answer. I made a mistake, i mean... "i imported a 3D citygml into 3DcityDB. "

Do you know how this database works? It seems that the triangulated surface geometries in the CityGML data from FME are not completely imported into the database. Consequenlty, the exported KML and CityGML data are not correct.

At the wetransfer link --> you can download all my files:



-Citygml as FME OUTPUT

-Citygml as 3DcityDB Output.

-KML after FME

-KML after 3dcitydb


Maybe you can help me.



Thanks for sharing your stuff. Makes it easy to see whats going on. The issue you are having is because you are writing a Triangulated Mesh geometry as a Lod2Solid. This is invalid for CityGML (I think) and I don't think the 3DCityDB really would handle it.

You're best bet would be to make sure that when setting the CityGML geometry types in FME is that solids are BRepSolids. After your MeshMerger you can try the SolidBuildier or use two GeoemtryCoercers, one to go from Mesh to Composite Surface and another to go from Composite Surface to BrepSolid.

This should create geometries better supported by the 3DCityDB.

In addition you should be aware that the model is not correctly georeferenced - While the CityGML has a coordinate system defined the data are in the wrong place.



Really thanks for your answer.

Actually I wrote a Triangulated Mesh geometry as a Lod2Solid as reported in BIM to GIS (Basic) | IFC LOD 100 to LOD 2 CityGML (FORUM COMMUNITY).


After this FME Writing, I can see the 3D geometry on the data inspector, but I can't see it after importing and exporting it in 3DcityDB. Now I tried as you suggest, but maybe I made some mistakes because I can't see the geometry after FME! can you show me where I'm wrong? 


Also, you mean the coordinate system is in the wrong place... I used the example aforementioned to georeference it! Again, Where I'm wrong? The building has to be located in Frascati, Italy. 


Here my workbench

Really thanks for your answer.

Actually I wrote a Triangulated Mesh geometry as a Lod2Solid as reported in BIM to GIS (Basic) | IFC LOD 100 to LOD 2 CityGML (FORUM COMMUNITY).


After this FME Writing, I can see the 3D geometry on the data inspector, but I can't see it after importing and exporting it in 3DcityDB. Now I tried as you suggest, but maybe I made some mistakes because I can't see the geometry after FME! can you show me where I'm wrong? 


Also, you mean the coordinate system is in the wrong place... I used the example aforementioned to georeference it! Again, Where I'm wrong? The building has to be located in Frascati, Italy. 


Here my workbench

Ah, you still need to use the CityGMLGeometrySetter as well as before. it seems perhaps that article is not entirely valid, either that or the 3DCityDB just doesn't support this.

Hmm, well actually looking at the worksapace and testing myself the result seems ok, however, the CityGML file you shared seems to be in the wrong place.

