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Hi Everyone,



     I just recently upgraded from FME Desktop (32bit, windows7) 2014beta to 2014 SP1Beta (build 14277).  I have a few translations that are run daily and they use the Google Fusion Table (non spatial) reader to take in records and then add records.  I know this translation was run after we upgraded and it worked, then about a day or two later the log entries stop (in the fusion tables) and today I get a report that the translation is failing.



     I tried resetting the reader and writers (as this has helped in the past with fusion tables), but I get to the point of refreshing the token (goes fine) and then I go to the 'Table List' b...] icon and it cannot establish connection to get the table list... this repeats no matter how many times I press it. 



This is after token successfully refreshed:




Then I try to get table list:




Show Log:




I have tried this on another system with FME 2013 and I also get an HTTP error, but I am not sure if this is due to the fusion reader/writer for 2013 being deprecated or not?



Is anyone else having issues with the fusion readers right now?
Hi Everyone,



      This ended up being a temporary issue.  Not sure what happened, but all versions of FME that were broken are now fixed, even though I have now upgraded to the full release of 2014SP1 I figured I would let everyone know.
