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I have been watching a YouTube presentation you did with AttributeManager. We are a mapping company and we map features directly into MicoStation in specific level names, colors, line weights and line styles. We have clients that would like us to convert those level names, colors, line weights and line styles in to their scheme. I'm hoping that your help and with AttributeManager I can build a workbench to take care of that. My thought is that I would like to build an excel spreadsheet with our scheme and cross reference to the specific clients scheme. Could you please let me know if that is possible?

Hi @dszarka,

This should be possible using the AttributeManager and conditional values assuming the correct format attributes are exposed and written to (more about format attributes in the IGDS Feature Representation doc). You can certainly Control Features with Format Attributes but a simpler way would be to use something like the DGNStyler.

Conditional values can also be used in the DGNStyler to set things like Line Weight, Line Style, etc. and a feature type fanout in the DGN writer can help you write features to separate levels.


I have posted the before and after of what I'm trying to automate. Could you have a look and see how I can get this to work.


I have posted the before and after of what I'm trying to automate. Could you have a look and see how I can get this to work.

Hi @dszarka,

Another possible solution is similar to the first example on the How to Overcome 7 top AutoCAD Road 'Blocks' webinar (should be a similar process using DGN readers/writers).
