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I'm using the validate Output File option on the GML writer in application schema mode.



i can see in my workbench log the number of fatal errors, errors and warnings it finds.


But it doesn't fail the translation when it detects errors.  



How can I configure it to fail when validation finds errors?


I'm testing in FME desktop and this workbench will be deployed to FME Server in production. 



example messages in log:


<GML_1 Writer> - Setting external schema location for validation 'D:\\temp\\GML_Validation/myschema.xsd'


XML Validation: Error in 'D:\\temp\\GML_Validation\\output.gml' on line 11, column 40: 'value '1.11' does not match regular expression facet 'i+\\-]?e0-9]+''


<GML_1 Writer> - Found '0' fatal error(s), '1' error(s), and '0' warning(s) while validating dataset 'D:\\temp\\GML_Validation\\output.gml'


Translation was SUCCESSFUL with 3 warning(s) (2 feature(s) output)



I'm wondering if the "Validate Output File" parameter of the writer controls that.


Or, the XMLValidator and the Terminator might help you.



