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Hello, GML always writes a hyperlink at the beginning of the output, how can I fix this?

Hi @bayram 

Which version of fme are you using? 

If you are able to, please send over your workspace with some sample data and I can have a closer look. 





Hello crystalatsafe, I am sharing the DWG file I have with FME WB.

version 2024.0.1

Hi @bayram 

Are you able to explain or identify where the unwanted hyperlink is? It is not clear at this time.
Are you talking about the gml header at the beginning of the citygml file (eg. seen in Notepad++ for example)? In a gml file, the header is used to define the XML schema and namespaces that the document will use.
Alternatively, are you talking about the 'CityGML' prefix on the citygml layers in the FZKViewer? If so, I think this is a fault of the application. If you use QGIS to view the model, the 'CityGML' prefix is not present.

If you can help identify the exact issue, we can look into this further.



Merhaba crystalatsafeI have a serious lack of knowledge about the city gml hierarchy. If it is convenient for you, I would like to organize a meeting and discuss the data.

Hi @bayram 

If you are looking to learn more about the City GML hierarchy you can review this documentation and tutorial: 

Writing CityGML from FME 

Tutorial: Getting Started with GML

If you still have questions, please feel free to submit a support case and our team can schedule a call. 
