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I am trying to load features from ESRI file GDB to another ESRI File GDB schema.


Geodatabase Error (-2147220987): The user does not have permission to execute the operation.

FileGDB Writer: A feature could not be written.


I am using ArcGIS version 10.14 and FME Desktop version 15.1






Hi @shahid,

Can you confirm that you are using the File Geodb writer? And would you be able to share either a screenshot of your writer parameters when you right click to edit it, and/or your workspace (.fmw file)?

Hi @shahid. Which writer are you using? SDE30 or SDEGeodatabase. Switching the writers might help.

Hi @shahid,

Can you confirm that you are using the File Geodb writer? And would you be able to share either a screenshot of your writer parameters when you right click to edit it, and/or your workspace (.fmw file)?

Hi Jovita, Thanks for your reply,

My reader data is ESRI file GDB and Writter also ESRI File GDB.

I want to use clipper transformer to clip feature based on map index which is ESRI shape file and write to same to same schema empty ESRI file GDB.

I change the edit parameter of writer to overwrite GBD to "Yes" its write the features but the subtypes and domain values not reading, just inserted features like shape file.

I did this successfully if I clip the features and write to empty ESRI file GDB in FME and in ArcGIS ArcCatalog Load Data to features manually.

but I want to do it in FME. Thanks

Hi Jovita, Thanks for your reply,

My reader data is ESRI file GDB and Writter also ESRI File GDB.

I want to use clipper transformer to clip feature based on map index which is ESRI shape file and write to same to same schema empty ESRI file GDB.

I change the edit parameter of writer to overwrite GBD to "Yes" its write the features but the subtypes and domain values not reading, just inserted features like shape file.

I did this successfully if I clip the features and write to empty ESRI file GDB in FME and in ArcGIS ArcCatalog Load Data to features manually.

but I want to do it in FME. Thanks

Hi @Shahid,


It sounds to me like you are writing to a new file geodatabase with the same schema, is that correct? I can't say for sure without seeing your workspace or translation log, but can you confirm that you're writing to a new file geodatabase? Are you still getting the same error in FME? It would be helpful if you could share a full translation log (.log file found in the same location as where your .fmw workspace is saved) as well as a screenshot of your writer parameters.


I noticed from this article that "If writing to an existing geodatabase that contains a different schema, you can ‘check’ the Overwrite Existing Geodatabase option. This option will overwrite and delete both the data and schema of an existing geodatabase, if your output geodatabase location contains a geodatabase with the same name." So I don't think you need to check the overwrite geodatabase parameter unless you're writing to an existing database with a different schema. It might be easier to write to a new geodatabase and just make sure that your Feature Class or Table Definition is set to Copy From Reader.


For subtypes and domains, I believe you will need to check in the Constraints section of the reader parameters when you first add the reader: Resolve Domains and Resolve Subtypes. Working with Geodatabase Subtypes and Domains will walk you through on how to read those in and write them out.

Hi @Shahid,


It sounds to me like you are writing to a new file geodatabase with the same schema, is that correct? I can't say for sure without seeing your workspace or translation log, but can you confirm that you're writing to a new file geodatabase? Are you still getting the same error in FME? It would be helpful if you could share a full translation log (.log file found in the same location as where your .fmw workspace is saved) as well as a screenshot of your writer parameters.


I noticed from this article that "If writing to an existing geodatabase that contains a different schema, you can ‘check’ the Overwrite Existing Geodatabase option. This option will overwrite and delete both the data and schema of an existing geodatabase, if your output geodatabase location contains a geodatabase with the same name." So I don't think you need to check the overwrite geodatabase parameter unless you're writing to an existing database with a different schema. It might be easier to write to a new geodatabase and just make sure that your Feature Class or Table Definition is set to Copy From Reader.


For subtypes and domains, I believe you will need to check in the Constraints section of the reader parameters when you first add the reader: Resolve Domains and Resolve Subtypes. Working with Geodatabase Subtypes and Domains will walk you through on how to read those in and write them out.

Hi@Jovita, Thanks for your reply

It sounds to me like you are writing to a new file geodatabase with the same schema, is that correct? YES

As I explain you that I have file gdb & I want to clip the features and write to new file gdb having same schema. I attached the log file for you. I am not able to define the domain & subtype constrain in filegdb API.

I attached the log


Hi@Jovita, Thanks for your reply

It sounds to me like you are writing to a new file geodatabase with the same schema, is that correct? YES

As I explain you that I have file gdb & I want to clip the features and write to new file gdb having same schema. I attached the log file for you. I am not able to define the domain & subtype constrain in filegdb API.

I attached the log


Hi @shahid,

upon further investigation, it looks like this issue has been fixed for FME 2016. I noticed that your workspace was created in FME 2015, please try the latest version here or upgrading to FME 2016 here.
