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Dear All ,

We try to convert anything to Shape file, We have problem with file geodatabase , we upload the file as zip but it did not work , even if we give it as separate files is not working , how can we upload file geodatabase to generic reader format

I've tried to do what you described above, using FME 2017 (32-bits). It works fine for me, even when I offer the File Geodatabase as a zip file and with the Input Format parameter set to <Guess format name from extension>.


In my case, by default, the reader uses the ArcObjects geodatabase reader. This requires a licensed ArcGIS installation on your machine. Are you sure you have that? Also, since my ArcGIS still is a 32-bits application, be sure that your FME installation also runs in 32-bits mode.



We are using FME server 2015 , but I guess it should have the same behaviour as 2017


We are using FME server 2015 , but I guess it should have the same behaviour as 2017
Not 100% sure if the <Guess format name from extension> option will work on 2015 when the Geodatabase is zipped, but sure, you can try. Otherwise, you need to point to the folder (with .gdb extension) that contains all the geodatabase files and make sure that all the files are in there. Pointing to separate geodatabase files (like you mention above) will never work.


So you are certain that the FME Engine machine has access to ArcObjects? Not sure if the Generic reader will use the Geodatabase API instead if ArcObjects was not detected. Also, note that the Geodatabase API cannot open all feature class types.


Hi @khalid_omer,

The generic reader and writer works in conjunction with dummy readers and writers to be able to use format specific parameters.

I would try adding a dummy gdb reader with no feature types to set the specific parameters.

Hope this helps.

Hi @khalid_omer,

The generic reader and writer works in conjunction with dummy readers and writers to be able to use format specific parameters.

I would try adding a dummy gdb reader with no feature types to set the specific parameters.

Hope this helps.

Hi @itay


Can you please elaborate on dummy reader works in conjuncaiton with generic reader , do I need to add geodatabase reader , but how to link it with the main generic reader and how will I pass that from the web
Hi @itay


Can you please elaborate on dummy reader works in conjuncaiton with generic reader , do I need to add geodatabase reader , but how to link it with the main generic reader and how will I pass that from the web


Hi @khalid_omer,


See page 223 of the advanced training material



Basically there is no need to link it to the generic reader and for making the parameters available via the web interface its a matter of publishing them.


Hope this helps



I suspect what you need is to add a reader as a resource:

Your dynamic reader will use the options set in this resource when reading from the same format.

You can also consider using the FeatureReader and the <Generic> output port rather than the dynamic reader, it might be simpler.

Thank you all for the supports , We tested it on 2016 and it is working fine without any modification , with 2015 the only solution that works with us is to expose the input format for the generic reader and let the users choice between file geodatabase ,shape or guess from the extension and that works great , thanks for all the supports
