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Hi There, I am working on an issue where our FME workspace, reads data from a database and generates a shapefile. The issue
that I am having is that if there are no new records, the shapefile doesn’t get generated
but it keeps the last run that had any data. This is creating problem with next step of the process. I am trying to figure out a way so that FME generates a shapefile even if there is no new data (empty shapefile). Appreciate any help. Thanks Jay

Hi @jaygis Please see!msg/fmetalk/Uza7HqgxF7Y/7tBapmyqMjAJ The solution is to create invalid geometry to send to the Shape writer if there are no other features.

Perhaps in conjunction with Dan's suggestion you could use the NoFeaturesTester to create the dummy feature which will pop out with a Null geometry type.

Hi All, Thanks for some excellent feedback. I was able to implement a solution with combination of both the comments. Greatly appreciate your help. Thanks Jay

Hi All, Thanks for some excellent feedback. I was able to implement a solution with combination of both the comments. Greatly appreciate your help. Thanks Jay

Pleasure. Thanks for the feedback.


