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Hi folks,

Most of the new functionalities in the recent forum update are really nice, however there are a few regressions that are pretty annoying:

1) The code editor displays a lot of unnecessary "Â" characters in indented code, see e.g.

I've tried a lot of different strategies to get rid of them, all unsuccessful.

2) There's something strange going on with search, e.g. looking for "halton" which was mentioned several times in the posting above (posted after the upgrade) turns up nothing:

3) I keep on having to sign on to the forum, it seems I get disconnected several times per day, sometimes several times within just a few minutes. This was not the case before, where I remained logged in for weeks at a time.

Is anybody looking into those?

Thanks for your help!

Also, when I first tried to post this I got the following error twice:

Unable to execute your request

We're sorry, but we're unable to execute your request at this time. You may be seeing this page because you attempted to submit data on this site without first loading an appropriate form. Please attempt to visit the homepage of this site and then try your action again. If you believe this error is incorrect, please contact the site administrator(s).

I had to reload the entire page and retype everything before I was able to post it.

I agree with David, there's a few annoying things. It sometimes seems some attachments or images are not showing. When uploading an image larger than the max setting (1 Mb) all I get is a "denied" error, if I upload an attachement that is larger I do get a message saying it's too big.

Yes, sorry about this. We're getting the same problems too, particularly with the log in. We've informed the service provider and they are investigating. I hope they investigate and fix it quickly!

I also noticed that custom badges aren't appearing properly either. That might be part of the attachment problems that Hans mentions. Again the provider is working on it.

Hi David, thanks for pointing out "halton" wasn't returning any search results. You should be getting results now.

Looks like the "follow a question/user" functionality was broken too. That's now fixed too.

Thanks Mark and Erik!

I don't know about the uploading part, but all missing images should now be showing again.

Thank you @david_r and @redgeographics for bringing this to our attention and for Mark and Erik for following up while I was away on vacation. Please let us know whether any of these issues aren't resolved or if you notice any more issues.

Hello Safers, are there any news regarding these issues?

Inserting and editing a code block is still frustrating, and those pesky "Â" characters keep popping up. Sometimes posted links are garbled.


It's really annoying.

Hello Safers, are there any news regarding these issues?

Inserting and editing a code block is still frustrating, and those pesky "Â" characters keep popping up. Sometimes posted links are garbled.


It's really annoying.

Nothing yet. I know they have developers looking at the issues around images this week (images that disappear and also the custom badge images). I'm really hoping that these code characters will be next. I've certainly indicated it's a priority for me. Sorry about that. Natalie is away for a couple of weeks but I'm doing what I can to get it moved forward in her absence.
