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I am currently running Microstation V8i and all the cells I use have priority information. However, I am running FME 2013 and when I insert a cell, the priorities I have created for them are overwritten with 0 as their priority. Do the newer version of FME recognize the cell priority within a cell object or is there some other way, possibly an igds formatter that I can install that assigns a priority to objects when written into microstation?

It doesn't look like we do. I got this information from our developer database:

Confirmed, that priority does not seem to be applied to the members of complex elements like cells.

Confirmed, that writing shared cells which have Default levels for the cell and the members will only set the level on the cell, and not on the members.

Potential work around: Level priority. DGNV8 writer does not set the priority of the level, but it is used preferentially to individual element priority. So if the desired priority can be categorized by level, then a seed file which has a level priorities can be used, and all those elements which are supposed to be of known priorities, can be written to levels which have been setup with those priorities.

Potential work around: Cell definition priority. It is also possible to set the priority of the cells in the cell library, so that when they are placed, they will have the desired priority without needing it to be set by the DGNV8 writer. This may be useful if the a single priority is desirable per cell, and not per cell instance.

If the workarounds don't help - or even if they do - it might be worth filing a case with our support team ( so that they can keep track of your requirements and let you know if and when this is implemented.

Hope this helps to answer your question - even if it's not the answer you were probably hoping for,


