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Hi all,



We work regularly with both Micsotation versin 7 and V8 formats. We are trying to build a workbench that will allow users to select output format using the Generic Writer.



Since the seed file dictates the microstation version output, we need a means of allowing users to select the output seed file (depending on if they request v7 or V8 output).



Is there a means of publishing the Seedfile parameter in a workbench file to allow the end user to select the file? Is there another method of telling FME what version of Microstation to output?





Hi Mike,



take a look at the sample scenario in the training manual, page 5-5 and onwards. It should cover your questions pretty well.






You can add both v7 and v8 writers and link both their seed file parameters into one (see type of parameters by creating a dummy parameter from one of the writers).



The generic witer can then pick up the seed file location and pass it accordingly.



Hope this helps



That solution seems to work well, Thanks. I have removed the Generic writer and replaced with a writer for each output type and used an attribute creator to capture the destination format type then route through a filter so all features are sent to the slected destination writer. (For Microststion output, have linked the Seed file setting for both v7 and v8 to a user parameter as perscribed).



David R.



I could not access the link you sent to the traning manual...which training manual is this for?



Thanks again to both of you for your help!


Hi Mike,



I actually meant to add the dgn writers next to the generic, so that you can have the advantages of it, but as long as it works for you, great!




This demonstrates using a generic writer with dgn v7 and 8, once the correct seed file is chosen the generic writer picks up the correct (additional dgn writer) for the specific format settings.


This way you can potentially add more output formats.


Hope this helps.
