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FME Configuration: No destination coordinate system set

IFMELine was given memory that was NULL or invalid

A fatal error has occurred. Check the logfile above for details

KML: Error finishing writing dataset

Program Terminating

Hi @balu, the KML writer requires all the features have coordinate system. Check if the features have coordinate system.

Hi @balu, the KML writer requires all the features have coordinate system. Check if the features have coordinate system.

while reading cityGML file i given Coordinate System


EPSG: 4326



and for writing kml/kmz file Coordinate System


EPSG: 4326



again it showing same error


Hi @balu, the KML writer requires all the features have coordinate system. Check if the features have coordinate system.

A screenshot of your workspace would be good, to see if you are
introducing features from outside the CityGML that won't have a
coordinate system.



Also, click Writers > Redirect to Data Inspector and re-run the workspace. Then check the features in the Data Inspector to see if they have a coordinate system. Maybe one or two features are not getting them. The other solution is a CoordinateSystemSetter transformer.


Hi @balu, the KML writer requires all the features have coordinate system. Check if the features have coordinate system.


i am getting cityGML file from SketchUp plugin cityGML in that i am getting cityGML (.gml) format


i am getting cityGML file from SketchUp plugin cityGML in that i am getting cityGML (.gml) format

Yeah, see the coordinate system is set to unknown. But what I really wanted to see was the workspace (Workbench/Canvas/fmw file). If that screenshot was a "Redirect the Data Inspector" then something isn't quite right in there.



Yeah, see the coordinate system is set to unknown. But what I really wanted to see was the workspace (Workbench/Canvas/fmw file). If that screenshot was a "Redirect the Data Inspector" then something isn't quite right in there.



any chance the debug logging modus is on?


