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I use the feature reader to read data from PostGIS, I created a user parameter in feature reader to get the feature type to read. However, it did not work if I select multipule features (tables) from my postgres database. It only works when 1 feature type is selected. Is this a common issue of FME?





in the FeatureReader Parameters configure output ports. Choose if You want a single generic port or preconfigure specific ports for each of Your feature types. 



in the FeatureReader Parameters configure output ports. Choose if You want a single generic port or preconfigure specific ports for each of Your feature types. 


Thank you Hermann,

This has nothing to do with output ports, in this case I chose single output port for further process. 

The error shows that 'ERROR:  relation "reference.dataset_invoer_bkk reference.uitzonderingen" does not exist’

reference.dataset_invoer_bkk and reference.uitzonderingen are two tables from the same schema, but while fme send calling message to postgres, it did not sepate those tow calls, instead, it called the database everything at the same time.

Thank you anyway for the help!

Hmm… How did you set up your User Parameter ? As Choice/List? This works for me… What version of FME / FeatureReader are You using? Try newest --- There have been some updates… Changelog - FME by Safe Software


UserParamater has to featuretype separated by “ ” (space) ==> FeatureReader directs each to a specified port


This works for me as well in 2021.2.6. What version do you use @jiaxin ?

This works for me as well in 2021.2.6. What version do you use @jiaxin ?

Hello Niels, I use 2023.1

Hmm… How did you set up your User Parameter ? As Choice/List? This works for me… What version of FME / FeatureReader are You using? Try newest --- There have been some updates… Changelog - FME by Safe Software


Hello Hermamm,

I generated the user parameter in the feature reader like this, and the FME version is 2023.1:

