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I've been given a JSON file containing registrations for 5 properties. We are looking to use other datasets with a single field in the json file to identify the location of the property.


I am looking to produce a csv file initially with each record on a separate line


Can someone comfirm if the following is correct or not please.


Open the JSON file using the JSONFeature Reader


Connected a JSONFragmenter, using one of the fields as the JSON Query. I've attached a screenshot of the settings for the JSONFragmenter.


When i run the workspace and view the result in the Inspector,i can see the records listed in the right hand pane, but writing out a csv file with each record on a separate line doesn't work.


thanks for any assistance


It's hard to advise without seeing the json


file is attached

It looks like you just need to explode the list applications{} after reading with the FeatureReader

