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I am using FME2014 and I am using this documentation :



At the step 3 of reading domain values in the documentation, I click on VIEW of the coded_domain (DIAMETER) and I have my list of coded domain values from my GDB. Exemple :


What I want to do is to export this list into something else like Excel.


I have hundreds of coded domain values into my GDB, each of them connected to Feature Class.


I would like to export the coded domain values (code and description for each of them) from all the FC I would choose to read into FME.



You think it is possible?



Thank you!
I think it's possible, but it will need a lot of work.


Perhaps exporting the geodatabase to xml, reading the xml and outputting all FC's with domains and the domains beside them is easier?


I found a tool using google to do just that, but I have lost it - sorry - it may still be out there...


