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I wish to add a blank line for every 'x' line in an Excel spreadsheet createt in the FeatureWriter.


Any help or guide on how to do this?



Thank you!

A possible way it to duplicate every Xth feature, remove all attributes from that, and send the empty feature to the writer. The Sampler and the AttributeKeeper might help you to do that.

A possible way it to duplicate every Xth feature, remove all attributes from that, and send the empty feature to the writer. The Sampler and the AttributeKeeper might help you to do that.

Thanks for your reply, I can't seem to make it work though. The empty features is not being added as a blank line, instead the featurewriter is creating a new sheet for all the empty features.

A possible way it to duplicate every Xth feature, remove all attributes from that, and send the empty feature to the writer. The Sampler and the AttributeKeeper might help you to do that.

How did you set destination Sheet Name (feature type name) in the FeatureWriter?

A possible way it to duplicate every Xth feature, remove all attributes from that, and send the empty feature to the writer. The Sampler and the AttributeKeeper might help you to do that.

The sheet names are specified by an attribute created earlier in the script

A possible way it to duplicate every Xth feature, remove all attributes from that, and send the empty feature to the writer. The Sampler and the AttributeKeeper might help you to do that.

Well, try keeping the attribute "DynaicFeatureName" in the AttributeKeeper.
