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I have a Workbench. It has a Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service Writer. It works perfectly. Workbench was daily running successfully.


Now yesterday we upgraded from Version 2019.1 or .2 to Version 2020.2


Now i get errors and the Writer cant find the content of the Group anymore.

I dont see anything if i want to choose the Feature Service. Not even Groups.


The Writer changed from the two FME Versions because in the new Version at Feature Service the ID gets attached behind. That was not in the old Version.


If I use the Esri ArcGIS Online (AGOL) Feature Service Reader i see every Group and everything i should see.


If my Collegue uses his Account he can see the Groups and everything in the Writer. I dont.


Now the Question is it a FME Problem or ArcGIS Online Problem? With my ArcGIS Online Account and the Groups nothing changed only the FME Version changed and now i cant see any Feature Service and before everything Worked perfectly.

Hi @fluusha​ ,


This was a known issue with not being able to write to ArcGIS Online groups in earlier versions of FME 2020.2.x. This issue should now be resolved in FME 2020.2.3 build 20820 or newer. Please ensure you are using this build for writing to share groups.


With regards to not being able to select from a shared group, this is also a known issue after we updated the interface to select a feature service in FME 2020.2. We fixed this issue in FME 2021.0 and newer - this is currently in beta but will be released in the next week or so.

There is a workaround for FME 2020.2.x, please see the section "ArcGIS Online/Portal Writer: Can not select existing feature service shared with a group" in this article here.



Hi @fluusha​ ,


This was a known issue with not being able to write to ArcGIS Online groups in earlier versions of FME 2020.2.x. This issue should now be resolved in FME 2020.2.3 build 20820 or newer. Please ensure you are using this build for writing to share groups.


With regards to not being able to select from a shared group, this is also a known issue after we updated the interface to select a feature service in FME 2020.2. We fixed this issue in FME 2021.0 and newer - this is currently in beta but will be released in the next week or so.

There is a workaround for FME 2020.2.x, please see the section "ArcGIS Online/Portal Writer: Can not select existing feature service shared with a group" in this article here.



Hi @andreaatsafe​ ,

Before we download and upgrade our desktop versions to Desktop to later than build 20820, do you know if the same big will occur in Server? We have just upgraded our PRD & UAT Servers to rServer 2020.2 build b20787]. We don't want to be upgrading Server until another year.


Hi @andreaatsafe​ ,

Before we download and upgrade our desktop versions to Desktop to later than build 20820, do you know if the same big will occur in Server? We have just upgraded our PRD & UAT Servers to tServer 2020.2 build b20787]. We don't want to be upgrading Server until another year.


Hi @simon_bell​ ,

The issue will still be present even in FME Server for build 20787. This issue only affects feature services that are part of a group in ArcGIS Online.


Instead of upgrading FME Server, you could work around the issue and update your workspaces in FME Desktop and republish to FME Server.

You would need to update the "Feature Service" parameter to include the feature service ID in parentheses after the Group/Feature Service. So that the parameter would look like this:

FeatureService_parameterYou can get the feature service id by opening the feature service that you want in a web browser, in the web URL, there is an "id=" and copy that value in the format as shown above.


Hope this helps,

