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I have a DWG and an SQL server as readers and the writer should be a feature service on our portal.

Problem is at the very end and i get the following error log:

Reprojector: Invalid reprojection parameters

Coordinate system conversion during translation is not possible -- cannot output feature with coordinate system '_EPSG:31700_0' to output dataset with established coordinate system '_SPHERICAL_MERCATOR_0'


Feature output statistics for `ARCGISPORTALFEATURES' writer using keyword `ARCGISPORTALFEATURES_1':


Features Written



Total Features Written 0


Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Reprojector: Invalid reprojection parameters

Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Reprojector: Invalid reprojection parameters

Translation FAILED with 37803 error(s) and 214 warning(s) (4153 feature(s) output)

Stored 200 feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\Users\\vlad.dumitrescu\\AppData\\Local\\Safe Software\\Interoperability\\ArcMap-20190319-105853\\fmetool-a60088_log.ffs'

Suppressed logging of 11532 feature(s)

Suppressed recording of 11532 feature(s)

FME Session Duration: 1 minute 15.5 seconds. (CPU: 56.2s user, 6.9s system)

END - ProcessID: 68372, peak process memory usage: 661896 kB, current process memory usage: 382788 kB

Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Reprojector: Invalid reprojection parameters

Program Terminating

Translation FAILED.


Judging by the error log i would say i have to put a projector and specify wich transformation to use but i don't know what the portal should have. I would image web mercator but it doesn't seem to be the case because that didin't work either.


Does anybody have any sudgestions on what to try? To note, i am fairly new to FME and noobish mistakes can be made.



Reproject: Could not reproject the geometry of the preceding feature: Reprojector: Invalid reprojection parameters

%0 Writer: Failed to reproject feature with coordinate system '%1' to '%2'. Verify that the coordinates and coordinate systems are valid, and try again


I think i found the problem but i really can't find a solution. FME for some reason can't read the projection or doesn't understand what it is. I tried entering it manually but with no success.

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