"Error creating table 'Property_Owners'.: SDE_ERROR_CODE(-218) Table already registered. SDE_STREAM_ERROR_CODE(-51) SDE_EXT_ERROR(2617) SDE_ERROR_MSG1(1Microsoft]tSQL server Native Client 11.0]0sQL Server]Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraunt 'registry_uk2'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'sde.SDE_table_registry'. The duplicate key value is (PROPERTY_OWNERS, BOZEMAN, BOZEMAN).) SDE_EXT_ERROR_MSG2()"
There is nothing in the new geodatabase with the same name or even anything close to it. Therefore, I'm not understanding the "Table already registered". I'm just not understanding why it is working for one of the SDE geodatabases but not the other.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.