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Error while connecting from Data Inspector for Oracle Spatial 11g DB.

  • 12 December 2012
  • 1 reply

We are trying to view in FME for connecting the Oracle Spatial data. We are encountering issues when connecting.



Can you suggest while looking at the log.



The following is FME  connection error




FME Data Inspector Version 4.0


Loaded module 'OCI' from file 'OCI.dll'


Environment variable ORACLE_HOME has value `D:\\Oracle11gDatabase\\product\\11.2.0\\dbhome_1'


Connecting to ORACLE database `pgeprim' with user name of `GRBGAE' and password of `***'


Error connecting to Oracle database: message was `ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied'. (serverType=`ORACLE8i', serverName=`pgeprim', userName=`GRBGAE', password=`***', dbname=`')


Failed to open database with username='GRBGAE', retrying using uppercase username


Environment variable ORACLE_HOME has value `D:\\Oracle11gDatabase\\product\\11.2.0\\dbhome_1'


Connecting to ORACLE database `pgeprim' with user name of `GRBGAE' and password of `***'


Connected to ORACLE database `pgeprim'


Oracle database version is ''


Environment variable ORACLE_HOME has value `D:\\Oracle11gDatabase\\product\\11.2.0\\dbhome_1'


Connecting to ORACLE database `pgeprim' with user name of `GRBGAE' and password of `***'


Connected to ORACLE database `pgeprim'


Merged 17 schema features read from 1 datasets into 17 resulting feature types


Opening dataset pgeprim (ORACLE8I)...


'ORACLE8I' reader was created successfully


FME Configuration: Source coordinate system for reader R_2nORACLE8I] set to `Belge1972-LB'


Coordinate System `Belge1972-LB' parameters: CS_NAME=`Belge1972-LB' DESC_NM=`Belgium National System 1972,(Lambert Belgian),RNB 1972 datum' DT_NAME=`RNB72-7P' GROUP=`EUROPE' MAP_SCL=`1' ORG_LAT=`90' ORG_LNG=`4.35693972222222' PARM1=`51.1666666666667' PARM2=`49.8333333333333' PROJ=`LMBLGN' QUAD=`1' SCL_RED=`1' SOURCE=`European Petrolem Survey Group' UNIT=`METER' X_OFF=`150000.013' Y_OFF=`5400088.438' ZERO_X=`0.001' ZERO_Y=`0.001'


The dataset 'pgeprim' was opened successfully


ORACLE Reader: Using Oracle 8 SC Reader to read tables from database `', server type `ORACLE8i', server name `pgeprim', user name `GRBGAE', password `***'


ORACLE Reader: Using Rich geometry.


Connected to ORACLE database `pgeprim'


Column `GEOMETRY' of table `GRBGAE.SURFACE_GEOMETRY' has been chosen to hold the geometry


ORACLE Reader: Executing SQL Statement `SELECT "GRBGAE"."SURFACE_GEOMETRY".* FROM "GRBGAE"."SURFACE_GEOMETRY"' to obtain features for feature type `GRBGAE.SURFACE_GEOMETRY'


Loaded module 'ociunk_geomedia' from file 'C:\\Program Files\\FME\\plugins/ociunk_geomedia.dll'


NOT changing coordinate system of reader identified by keyword `R_2' from `Belge1972-LB' to `' -- mapping file setting of `Belge1972-LB' overrides coordinate system `' read from file


Storing feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\DOCUME~1\\mlanka\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\FFS_1355226901782_3020'


Could not understand type information: type=101, size=8, scale=0, precision=0


... Last line repeated 2 times ...


Column `GT_REFERENCE_POINT' of table `GRBGAE.SURFACE_DATA' has been chosen to hold the geometry


ORACLE Reader: Executing SQL Statement `SELECT "GRBGAE"."SURFACE_DATA".* FROM "GRBGAE"."SURFACE_DATA"' to obtain features for feature type `GRBGAE.SURFACE_DATA'


Could not understand type information: type=101, size=8, scale=0, precision=0


... Last line repeated 2 times ...


Unable to define column number 9: error was `ORA-01024: invalid datatype in OCI call'. (serverType=`ORACLE8i', serverName=`pgeprim', userName=`GRBGAE', password=`***', dbname=`')


Failed to read features from 'pgeprim' using 'ORACLE8I' reader.


Stored 154 feature(s) to FME feature store file `C:\\DOCUME~1\\mlanka\\LOCALS~1\\Temp\\FFS_1355226901782_3020'


The 'pgeprim' dataset was closed successfully


The 'ORACLE8I' reader was destroyed successfully




Please suggest where we are going wrong.





Firstly, FME resolves the issue for you but the username/password you are entering is in the wrong case. The main issue though appears to be the ORA-01024 issue, this is what that means: 



 ORA-01024:	invalid datatype in OCI call Cause:	An OCI program call specified an invalid datatype. In OCI calls, Oracle datatypes are specified as numbers between 1 and 7. Action:	Check the datatype description and enter the correct number for the datatype. 


Can I suggest you ensure that your database tables have the correct datatype defined for their content, specifically it looks like their might be an issue with col9 in GRBGAE.SURFACE_DATA?

