
Error "Unable to open log file"

  • 17 September 2019
  • 4 replies


I often get this error, while the Workspace-Runner was started with new parameters.


Reducing the log-level did not help


Any idea how to fix this? I found no comparable community-Item ..


I am calling a Workspace-Runner within the project. The workspace is called thousends of times. The calling workspace and the called one work each into their own log-Files. In this example 954 of 1461 calls crashed. In the logfile of the called wsp there are now errors mentionend.

Many workspace-calls crash because the newly initialized workspace can't access the logfile because the last call has not yet closed it.

This is the error description:

I would like to use the option with concurrent processes, but it increases the error rate.

The called wsp has one logger configured like this:

What else is needed to give you an idea of the problem?

Looking forward to a solutiion,



4 replies

Badge +3



Do you have more information?

Maybe the workbecnh or so?


Userlevel 2
Badge +16

Can you check if the folder for the log file exists?

That is the only time I have seen this error (trying to write a log file in a non existing folder).


Can you check if the folder for the log file exists?

That is the only time I have seen this error (trying to write a log file in a non existing folder).

Thanks for your support, Eric-Jan!

The folder and the file definitly exists, because it logs several times successful.


I found a workaround: Delete the logger in the called wsp and log by python-logger in its startup-srcript. But the problem still exists .. 8-(
