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Hi everybody ,

I'm trying to translate a V7 map from microstation to V8 microstation map and I have a problem :

The elevations or heigths(Cotas in spanish) that in V7 ara a unique element , are translated to V8 like a diferent elements ( Text and lines).

Anybody knows how to translate from v7 to v8 the cotes like unique element ???.

Thanks in advance for your help , regards !!

As I understand, Cotas means height above sea level.

Are they represented as spot heights (a point and a text) or contours in v7 dgn file?

What do you mean by unique element? Do you mean dgn cells?

Happy FME :-)ing


Hi srg , thanks for response ... sorry I'm new in FME . Yes , cotas means heigth (unique element composed of Line and text) above sea level.

In V7 this type of element is gestioned like a unique element called cota (in spanish , I don't know how it is in english). The problem is than this element when you do the translation to V8 with FME is passing like one element line and another element text , when really in V7 is a unique element formed by lines and text.

I hope that now I have explained better , thanks for your help !!

Hi srg , thanks for response ... sorry I'm new in FME . Yes , cotas means heigth (unique element composed of Line and text) above sea level.

In V7 this type of element is gestioned like a unique element called cota (in spanish , I don't know how it is in english). The problem is than this element when you do the translation to V8 with FME is passing like one element line and another element text , when really in V7 is a unique element formed by lines and text.

I hope that now I have explained better , thanks for your help !!

Can you share a sample dgn?



Hi Srg , again thanks ... I can't not share information but I have a screen png with the element :

This element in V7 is a unique element , but when do the transformation it is descomposed in lines and Text.


Cota Srg is a kind of element in Microstation (like cells or line) maybe the correct translation would be measure ... thanks again!!

Is it the case that line and text are grouped?

Yes pratap , thanks for your help ...

If it is grouped then Grupo G (in screenshot) will have number...

It seems to be like a dimension feature because it has arrows. While adding the dgn reader remove the option in parameters for "Drop Dimensions".

For further reference

you are a crack Pratap !!!! thanks , that was the problem , solved !!!! thanks !!

Hi Srg , again thanks ... I can't not share information but I have a screen png with the element :

This element in V7 is a unique element , but when do the transformation it is descomposed in lines and Text.


Looking at the screen grab, it is a Type 33 element, meaning dimension.


By default when you read DGN v7, the dimensions are set to be dropped.


I tried creating a v7 dgn and then added a dimension element, used FME Workbench to read the v7 dgn with drop dimension disabled and wrote to v8 dgn.


I got the dimension intact in v8 dgn


More information on how dimensions are handled by FME is available here:


If you can just share a dgn with a single element I can create an example workspace for you



Looking at the screen grab, it is a Type 33 element, meaning dimension.


By default when you read DGN v7, the dimensions are set to be dropped.


I tried creating a v7 dgn and then added a dimension element, used FME Workbench to read the v7 dgn with drop dimension disabled and wrote to v8 dgn.


I got the dimension intact in v8 dgn


More information on how dimensions are handled by FME is available here:


If you can just share a dgn with a single element I can create an example workspace for you



Thanks a lot SRG , yes , this was the problem !!! solved !!! thanks again !!


