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I'm attempting to write linear features to predefined levels with established byLevel characteristics such as line weight, line color, etc. Specific levels are being defined per feature via the igds_level_name attribute when writing to the DGN writer. The configuration of these levels is not established in the SEED file being referenced, but they are configured in a .dgnlib file.

Does FME support the use of .dgnlib files?

Hi @liftback78, It appears that .dgnlib files can be read by the DGNV8 reader, so I'm wondering if you could test selecting it for the Seed File parameter on the writer, and see if that works. (The extension filter is .dgn by default, but you can change it to All files to show files with .dgnlib extensions.)


If this doesn't work, that means we currently won't able to use .dgnlib to define feature characteristics. In that case, can you submit a New Idea, and tell us how often you encounter use case like this?

