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I have various Workbenches which have FFS readers as input. In couple of WBs, there is a single FFS reader as input, whereas in few WBs, there are multiple FFS readers. As these WBs are required to be executed across various regions, some of the regions do not have one or the other FFS file. These WBs are executed using workspace runners. Before every workspace runner, i have place FileExistenceChecker transformer to check for existence of FFS file in that folder. If the FFS file exists, it is directed to that runner, else it skips and goes to the next FileExistenceChecker transformer. I have a problem with WBs having multiple FFS readers, as even if a single FFS file is not present, the FME stops midway. Is there a method to disable that particular FFS reader from the workspace runner, after it checks that the FFS file is not present in the folder ? OR any other workaround to bypass that FFS reader?

Have you tried reading your FFS files with a feature reader, you should be able to handle non-existent FFS files with the Rejected Port
Have you tried reading your FFS files with a feature reader, you should be able to handle non-existent FFS files with the Rejected Port

No Feature Reader doesn't work either, I get the same error 'Dataset must exist prior to reading'.

@bharat​  did you try continue Workspace Parameters > Translation > Ignore Failed Readers?

@bharat​  did you try continue Workspace Parameters > Translation > Ignore Failed Readers?

Thanks a ton. This has worked. But it is quite risky, as this parameter will affect other readers in the WB. Apart from FFS, I have Oracle DB readers, excel readers, csv readers too in these WBs.

If you use a FeatureReader to read the FFS file you can handle the Rejection without having Rejected Feature Handling set to ContinueTranslation. You will still get an error about Dataset must exist prior to reading if the FFS file you are trying to read is not present, but the workspace will continue


Thanks a ton. This has worked. But it is quite risky, as this parameter will affect other readers in the WB. Apart from FFS, I have Oracle DB readers, excel readers, csv readers too in these WBs.

@bharat​ may be you should consider adding a note in this workspace that the ignored failed readers has to be enabled to handle ffs readers before running this workspace and then disable after completing!
