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I am importing Smallworld data and outputting DWG files. The strange issue I am running into is that the road name text for horizontal roads displays at a larger text height that the road name text for roads running North and South. All of the road labeling text is on the same layer as well. If there is other information you need me to provide please let me know. I am very new to FME.








Welcome to FME and the community.



FME reads the feature's properties, so does the original text also have different size? (I bet it does)



What you could do is calculate an average text size and impose that on the text before writing.



See this section about fme attributes and in specific search for fme_text_size in the help.



Hope this helps,


First I would like to thank you for your prompt response and pointing me in the right direction.



I double-checked the reference data I was converting and the text size was the same for all street name labels.



The fix I used was I added the specific layer to the FeatureTypeFilter and then ran that layer through a DWGStyler. From there I was able to specify a global height accross all text on that layer.



I have also noticed that all text, not just the road labels, are being output with a slight 3-5 degree skewed rotation to them, where in the original data their rotation aligns with the object they are labeling. This data is being reprojected from one coordinate system to another. Could my order of operation be affecting this? Such as running the coordinate conversion in the beginning of the process instead of at the end of the process.



Thanks again.


