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Good morning to all



 I am running a process using schema mapper  to load data into an existing feature class. The problem that I am seeing in the translation is that FME is generating extra attributes that are not part of the schema of the featureclass that I am 




 When reviewing the log this is what I see:



"Value of feature type parameter 'GEODB_OBJECT_ID_NAME' for table/feature class 'Bridge' has been changed from 'OBJECTID' to 'OBJECTID_1' as it conflicted with user field name. Value of feature type parameter 'GEODB_SHAPE_NAME' for table/feature class 'Bridge' has been changed from 'SHAPE' to 'SHAPE_1' as it conflicted with user field name."



I added an attribute remover for the input files so that they didnt transfer over but I still get  the OBJECT and OBJECT_1, SHAPE_Area1, SHAPE_Lenght1.



Any thoughts?



Hi Gerardo,



when you write into an ESRI format FME generates OBJECTID and SHAPE_Area, because it es necessary in every ESRI output.


When you copy your Reader schema to the Writer schema OBJECTID and SHAPE_Area are also includet (-> as User Attributes).



When FME starts the writing process it detects OBJECTID and SHAPE_Area but also wants to create these attributes. So FME gives a new name  -> 'OBJECTID_1'



You can avoid this by deleting OBJECTID and SHAPE_Area in your writer user attributes. Then the warning messages should dissapear.



Best regards,




 Thanks for your response. I can try that but dont want to mess with the feature class schema..



The one thing I did was: I added an attribute remover to not include the "schemamapper_row_ids" attribute and now the output is working like it should-- I still see the warning in the log, but no extra attributes are created in the GDB.



I hope I could understandwhy it is doing this a little better. I need to add the "schemamapper_row_ids"  and run the model again to see if this is the  cause of the problem I am seen when loading the data into the existing feature class.




