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Hello There

we build a service to doeload data direct from the Data base , some time the user cear a new view or table that represent layer we in the request we will send the table name as parameter but worksapce need to scan the availability of that table each time the request commes and complet the process for the down load , this way we dont have to predefine the table in the work sapce in advance

Any idea how we acheive that

Not sure I undestand completely, but I suspect you should be looking into the FeatureReader using the "Schema (any format)" format. This will give you a list of all the tables and views in your database together with their definitions, allowing your workspace to branch accordingly.

Hi @boubcher

I think you will find the solution when implementing Dynamic Reading / Writing. Take a look here for useful information:

Good luck!

Hi @boubcher,

Have a look at the reader parameter feature types to read, in database terms its the table you are reading. As suggested by @david_r, if you are reading from the same databse and schema than its a matter of passing the table name to the FeatureReader. Tip do that via the navigator window and not the transformer itself.

Hope this helps.

Thanks Guys ,

