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Is it possible in FME to create empty Esri file geodatabases without any feature classes inside? Like how you would manually create them in ArcCatalog.

Hi @jm_spatial, currently this is not possible with FME Desktop as Writer will always require a FeatureType.


You can create an empty folder with name.gdb using a FileCopy or a simple python script


Hi @jm_spatial, currently this is not possible with FME Desktop as Writer will always require a FeatureType.


You can create an empty folder with name.gdb using a FileCopy or a simple python script


Hi @rahulsharma, thanks for that. It would have been handy in implementing automation.

I know how to create file gdb using using python so I guess that would have to do for now.

It is possible, but they aren't particularly elegant. If you're comfortable just calling it from the ArcPy library then PythonCaller will likely do it inside FME.

Import arcpy
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(out_folder_path, out_name, {out_version})
