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I have created cesium 3d tiles from a shapefile. The screenshot with pink 3d cylindrical shape shows that.



I would like to add border and vertical lines as you can see in the sample screenshot from google earth below:


Can anyone help on how I can do that?

Unfortunately this isn't possible with FME. You might be able to try and render the silhouette in Cesium, however, I'm not sure.



Sorry for the lack of help 😕

You might be able to do this with the CSGBuilder to subtract the textured side if you have a 3D feature for area you want to cut out. Similarly if you have a 2D feature, you could do a similar operation with the SpatialFilter and then extrude and chop the feature.

If this works for you, then you can use step 6/7 from the Adding Different Textures to a 3d City Model article to add the screenshots as an appearance on the top and sides.


You could actually try and create the lines separately as Lines (I think b3dm supports lines). But you can't set a color on them with FME ( so they would be white. If you're happy with white this could be an option.



It's not a solution, more of a workaround
