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I have created the Stop Sign Writer and the Height Restriction Writer and the RR Crossing Writer and then when I go to Insert the writer in the Workbench it requires a layer name that it already assigns or puts in there (we are free to change this to whatever we want as per FME Software Help)



Everything runs beautifully ......right up to the very last instance of Global Variables Final State Summary



When it runs …….it fails at the Writer because it cannot find that layer (I have used every conceivable Layer Name on this earth and it fails no matter what is used)



ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Could not find a layer/table matching feature type 'Stop'



I am INSERTING and TRUNCATING on the writer to overwrite all and replace the FS with what I am writing out from the FME process



No matter what I do it fails at the Layer Name



Can you help me understand why it is failing there as I have searched everywhere in FME for this answer to a simple fail point and cannot find anywhere what I am doing wrong to make it fail at the writer ?



Do you think that I have to configure this to use a FME Server for it to work ? I have it set to the DOT AGOL Server



I can create Shape files without a hitch ....all day long



But the whole purpose of using FME is to create changes to existing FS's without having to manually overwrite existing shapefiles and then loading them manually to overwrite existing FS's



@bettsgeospatial I can't see anything obvious that you are doing incorrectly. At first I thought 'Stop' might be a reserved word, but I can write to a Stop layer on our AGOL OK. Things you can try to narrow down where the problem originates:

  • Try writing to only one layer at a time. Perhaps it's not the Stop layer specifically that is the issue, but your Portal connection or the feature service name instead.
  • Try writing to a new layer instead of truncating. Or try truncating using the AGOL tools and reloading.
  • Try selecting the feature service name from the Portal to ensure you've got the syntax FME needs.

Thanks Mark ...I really appreciate the quick response


This was a matter of correct syntax using AGOL FS names as they are on the Feature Services


There are additional challenges in overwriting the layers now but am able to get it all to run and connect and post to the AGOL Feature Services just fine


Thanks Mark ...I really appreciate the quick response


This was a matter of correct syntax using AGOL FS names as they are on the Feature Services


There are additional challenges in overwriting the layers now but am able to get it all to run and connect and post to the AGOL Feature Services just fine


I am having this same error. Can you share what syntax helped fix the issue? Thanks!

Thanks Mark ...I really appreciate the quick response


This was a matter of correct syntax using AGOL FS names as they are on the Feature Services


There are additional challenges in overwriting the layers now but am able to get it all to run and connect and post to the AGOL Feature Services just fine


I think I have fixed this issue. I was trying to update a hosted table in my AGOL (from a table in my local Enterprise Geodatabase) and was getting the same error you were. I had published my hosted table using ArcGIS Pro before running the FME script. After publishing to AGOL the hosted table was there with a service definition file but there was no file geodatabase with it. It seems that you must have a file geodatabase to do this kind of update with FME. So what I did was... I deleted my hosted table and service definition layers from AGOL. Then I created a new workspace/FME file and setup the writer with a new table name that didn't exist in AGOL. When I ran the script in FME, it created a new hosted table with a corresponding file geodatabase with the same name. This worked like a charm! I'll be testing it tomorrow to see if it picks up the updates to the Enterprise Geodatabase overnight.

I had additional failure at writer .....after changing the names to match


It was the Portal Connection to the DOT server that needed to be active/connected


I am working outside the DOT and needed to have Network Connectivity for FME to read the License File

EDIT: following this post, I eventually re-created my readers and writers, including new service names. And since then, they've been running without issues. I'm not sure where the issue was, if it was some configuration on the FME and/or AGOL side. Also, one feature had an attribute name with 47 characters: this doesn't seem to be a cause and was never reported in any logs as being a problem, but I reduced the name to less than 32 characters, just in case.



I've been struggling with the exact same problem for 4 months now and I haven't been able to find a solution, and I'm not quite sure I understand how you solved your case.

I have two data sets that I import in to AGOL:

  • CSV file
    • Service name: NAME_RT
    • Single layer: NAME_RT (same name as service, coincidentally)
  • Excel file with 3 sheets
    • Service name: NAME_Stats
    • Each sheet one layer: AB, CD and Stats
  • All are configured for INSERT:Yes and Truncate First



Both writers work fine the first time (creating the service), but fail most of the times I re-run them. Yesterday both failed when I ran them a second time. Today the CSV one was successful but the Excel one still fails.

For the Excel one I'm getting the error you get:

  • Could not find a Feature Service item matching the Feature Service directive 'MyAGOLName/NAME_Stats'. A new Feature Service will be created
  • and further ahead:
  • ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Uploading File Geodatabase dataset as an Item named 'NAME_Stats'
  • ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Publishing Feature Service using Item named 'NAME_Stats', Target SR is WKID 102100
  • ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Deleting Item 'NAME_Stats'
  • ArcGIS Online Feature Service Writer: Encountered an unexpected error. The error code from the server was 'none' and the message was: 'Service name 'NAME_Stats' already exists for 'randomletters''. Details: ''


I tried renaming the new service in FME to be all uppercase, but it still throws the error (so I guess it's not case-sensitive).

Notice that the services are created by FME, so I don't see how it can be a naming problem.

This is driving me nuts. Any help is appreciated.

