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Hi everybody ,

Anybody could help me ? , I'm trying to convert the points of a arcgis map to cells in microstation V8.This points are in feature class with a identificative field for register. I'm doing the next one , the input arcgis is passed for a schemaMapper and in function of the value of the identifier in arcmap I give to the ouutput in microstation this attributes : igds_cell_name , igds_type and igds_element_type , but don't transform the cells , It stay in points in ouput microstation ...

The ouput is generated with feature types by level name ....

Any help would be greater , thanks !!!

Did you specify a cell library (under the Parameters button when you're adding the writer, afterwards accessible through the Writer parameters in the Navigator)



Yes as @redgeographics mentioned you need to specify a cell library to recreate the cells in the output format. Another option is to use the DGNStyler and specify it there.

Hi Itay and red , yes , I've specified the cell library (In option cell library file) where must found the cells to create them ...

With this attributes (igds_cell_name , igds_type and igds_element_type) and the cell library , would be enough to create the cell correctly ???

Thanks !!

Hi again , I'm trying with a DGNStyler and I can't do it , it transform the points of arcmap to points in microstation v8 (not in cells).

The cell library is defined and the cell_names exist in this ... any idea???

thank you guys , I've finished with the transformation of the cells ... finally I've used a DGNStyle and it's OK , thanks for your help ...
