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Hi everybody ,

In a part of my FME process I do a copy of a input V7 DGN , but when I look in results I always have the same result ,all the element in level 1 and color 20 , don't takes the attributes of the input.

Finally , to test I'm doing a direct copy , conecting the input V7 directly to output V7 , and the result is the same.

Any idea?? , thanks !!

If you set up your workspace with the Generate Workspace option it should copy level and color settings from the input over to the output. Could you post your workspace?



Hi red , and thanks for your responde .

I have created the output from the add writter redgeographics ...

My workspace ? the project in FME ??


Is it solved?


Is it solved?

Hi pratap ,

No , I am in another FME projects , and it would return in another moment ...

Do you know what could be pratap ?? , thanks a lot for your help and preocupation ...

Hi red , and thanks for your responde .

I have created the output from the add writter redgeographics ...

My workspace ? the project in FME ??

Yes, the fmw file. That would help us identify the problem.



Then either sample or fmw file is required to investigate the reason behind

Hi pratap . sorry for the delay , I have been doing holidays this days , Ok in this morning I will upload a sample of the question , thanks again !!
