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Hi all,

Just been on working on converting AGS Files to GIS format.

This is the first time I have gone through this and it is a difficult file to convert.

Just wondered if anyone has any experience with this and are there any steps that have to be done before using FME to convert.

@daveatsafe - I have seen a similar thread where you have done some fantastic work building the AGS FME file. I have played around with it but struggle with the output.

Below is the FME file:

I have also used the AGS transformer which FME now has but not getting the output I was after.


@cardiofaz Can you give an example of the result your expecting and what you're getting from FME, perhaps include a small sample dataset. The Idea I think your referring too is: Adding support for AGS format . You can also download and edit the custom transformer to tune it to your data if needed.
